
SEO Copywriting: 10 Tips to Boost Your Content Performance

Are you interested in improving your keyword ranks with content? You may start by using these SEO Copywriting tips.

Writing is challenging enough as it is, but writing with the intention of appearing in Google searches demands much more careful thought.

SEO copywriters take user needs and search engine efficiency into account when they write.

The best place to start for website owners who wish to increase their exposure through content is by being familiar with SEO copywriting.

What Do You Mean By SEO Copywriting?

SEO copywriting is the practice of producing high-quality content that is relevant to consumers and sticks to SEO best practices.

Interestingly, creating content for marketing and sales is precisely what the word copywriting initially referred to. Text is written to draw in, hold, and convert leads.

SEO, though, can also use it. With compelling content, you can design landing or product pages. As well as sweetening it for high organic search rankings.

In addition, the term “SEO copywriting” is a popular phrase nowadays as a synonym for optimising blog content. (In a formal sense, that is content writing rather than copywriting.)

Below are 10 SEO copywriting tips that may be used for traditional copywriting and content creation.

10 SEO Copywriting Tips For Writing Successfully

1. Find The Correct Keywords

First and foremost SEO copywriting tips are detecting the right keywords.

Keywords refer to search queries or phrases that the user intends to enter into search engines to discover information or goods.

Locating the right keywords can help you create high-quality content that boosts your website’s Google ranking and attracts organic (search engine) visitors.

Begin by focusing on certain keywords that are low in competition and related to your area of specialisation.

One can take advantage of a keyword research tool like Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool.

Choose your country, enter a primary (or seed) term, and then click “Search.”

A broad term from your industry might be used as a “seed keyword” to generate more keyword suggestions.

As an example, “local SEO” may be used as a seed term if you own an SEO company.


You’ll discover a list of relevant keywords arranged by monthly search volume. Also included details like keyword complexity, search intent, and a lot more.

By filtering out the keyword difficulty, select “KD%” from the drop-down menu.

Keep in mind that KD% describes how challenging it will be to appear on Google’s first page for a certain search.

Begin by creating content centred on the “possible,” “easy,” and “very easy” keyword ranges of KD% at first.


2. Find Questions People Ask

The search engine’s goal is to link users with relevant information.

That’s why Google keeps upgrading the features of SERP—the search engine results page—that make it easier for users to locate what they’re searching for.

The section labelled “People Also Ask” is one of such features. It provides consumers with further inquiries relevant to their search. and speedy responses to them.

Such as:

Find out what other queries others have regarding a subject by using this search function.

Therefore, one may produce content that answers these queries right away.

There are various tools to discover queries relevant to your niche keywords.

But other advanced tools can lead you further.

Even additional data is available through Semrush’s Topic Research tool, including trending headlines, queries, and searches relevant to your niche.

Begin by entering your query or your niche topic and hitting the ‘Get content ideas’ button.


Interesting subtopic titles will be displayed by the tool. 

Click on any titles and a list of top-searched questions or headlines will be displayed.


Use this information to produce content that is perfectly tailored to the wants and needs of your target audience.

3. Identify and Satisfy Search Intent

Understanding a keyword’s search intent is about figuring out why a person is searching.

Since improving the search experience is one of Google’s top priorities, it is also critical to meet this intention. Giving users what they want is the key to success.

It indicates:

If you want to rank on Google SERPs, you need to detect and fulfil search intent for each page you publish on your website.

The four primary categories of keyword search intent are as follows:

  • Informational: Users seek information about a certain subject, item, or field. For instance, “What makes green tea unique?”
  • Navigational: Users seek out a certain website or page. Example:
  • Commercial: Before making a decision to buy, users want to do their research. Search for example ” green tea for Healthy skin.”
  • Transactional: Customers desire to purchase a good or service. For example, “Buy jasmine green tea.”

By entering it in Keyword Overview, you can quickly figure out a keyword’s purpose.

It is plainly shown in the “Intent” box, as you can see.


If you’re making use of the Keyword Magic Tool, you may also discover search intent when conducting keyword research. 

4. Examine Your Target Keywords In Competitor Articles

Rather than assuming what content to write or what keywords to use, look at what your rivals are currently doing well.

Further, develop that.

Commence by pinpointing keywords your rivals are ranking for but you are not.

Each of these keywords offers you the chance to increase visitors.

Start by visiting Semrush’s Keyword Gap tool. Put your domain in the first “Root domain” field.

Then, down below, up to four of your biggest rivals’ domains

Then click ‘ Compare.’


To view a list of keywords, go down. 

The “Missing” filter will show you the keywords that all of your rivals are presently ranking for but you aren’t. 

Search for more popular keywords that are also simpler to rank for by sorting the results using the KD% (keyword difficulty) field. 

Make these keywords a priority in your content strategy.

5. Create Linkable Assets

A section of content that usually generates a backlink is referred to as a linkable asset. Backlinks of a good calibre are beneficial for SEO.

Forms of linkable assets Such as unique research, case studies, and comprehensive directions.

Choosing a format or a way of presenting content can be challenging for a linkable asset.

Observing what others in your sector are already linking to is a good strategy.

Begin by analysing your rival’s backlink profile.

Enter one of your rivals’ domains into Semrush’s Backlink Analytics tool and click “Analyze.” 


Move to the ‘Indexed pages ‘ tab. Pages with high backlinks will be shown. 


Follow the same procedure for your main rivals. Additionally, study the top-linked sites for trends.

Such as:

  • Do they write on debatable topics?
  • Is their format more lengthy or shorter?
  • Are there many pictures and movies, or simply text?

Your content approach should be based on the responses to these questions. For instance, if lists are often shared in your niche, make one.

Always be sure to produce content that is nicer than that of your rivals. The possibility of people linking to you is higher.

6- Create Headings, Meta Description, and Title Tag More Effective

People initially notice a page’s title tag and meta description while viewing SERPs. On top of that, on the website, they will likely examine the headers before reading the content body.

It indicates:

The user experience and organic click-through rate (CTR) can both be made better by improving these on-page SEO components.

Keep in mind that depending on the user’s search, Google will modify your title or meta description on the SERP. If they are excessively long, trim them off.

Both must be optimised, though, since they have the potential to persuade consumers to click on your result.

Here are some guidelines for using headers, meta descriptions, and title tags:

Title Tags

  • Make sure that the target term appears in a separate title tag on each page.
  • 55 to 60 characters is the maximum length for title tags. (Longer ones will be trimmed by Google.)
  • To meet search intent, precisely state the information. If the material doesn’t live up to their expectations, users will go.

Meta Descriptions

  • Always add the target keyword on the page. Although meta descriptions do not directly affect rankings, they can influence a user’s choice to click.
  • To encourage people to click, make use of calls-to-action (CTAs).
  • Restrict meta descriptions to 120 characters or less. On mobile, Google cuts off them at this point.
  • Give an in-depth review of the website; each page’s meta description should be original.


  • H1 tags should be detailed. They assist consumers and search engines in understanding your page’s content.
  • Make sure each key page has its own H1 tag.
  • Create order and organisation with your headers.

Optimisation is crucial. Regularly monitoring your website for problems is also important. 

Use a tool like Semrush’s Site Audit to do this.

To begin a site audit, enter the URL of your homepage and then click “Start Site Audit.”

To explore all the errors move to the ‘Issues’ section.

Customise the list rapidly by using the search bar. 

For instance, typing “meta” will display any meta description mistakes, “title” will display all title tags, and “header” will display all headers. 

Correct any errors that occur to keep your SEO copywriting activities on track. 

Bonus tip: If you don’t currently have a project in progress, see our steps for putting up a Site Audit.

7- Create Organized , Simple-to-Read Content

Search engines are used by people to hunt for solutions or guidance.  Which means they want information quickly. Without shifting through complex paragraphs.

Let’s look at a few strategies for organising your text and making it simpler to read.

Solid Framework

Readers (and search engines) can simply navigate your material thanks to an effective structure. H2, H3, and/or H4 headers should be included for each new section on your page. Because most readers glance at articles before studying them, headers should convey the content.

Unique and Useful Paragraphs

Similar to headings, readers like to scan paragraphs for the data they want. Large text walls are scary and difficult to scan. Short sentences that start with the main idea might assist in addressing it. Apply the journalistic industry’s reverse pyramid, in other words.

Begin with the crucial statement or suggestion. Then include background, illustrations, defences, etc. This idea, commonly referred to as BLUF (bottom line up front), greatly simplifies the reading and skimming of text. Use it for all headings, introductions, and body text.

Short And Simple Sentences

Develop high-quality content that should be short and to the point. This will make reading easy for readers. And make your message readable.

Understandable Vocabulary

Stay away from vocabulary until you’re talking about a really technical subject. Consider the reader’s perspective.

If you use symbols or technical phrases, will people learn what you’re saying? Wherever possible, use clearer language.

As an illustration, consider the following:

Simple vocabulary sentence: “Build content that drives users deeper into your sales funnel.”

The solution is to “develop content that motivates users to buy.”

In theory, each is true. The second alternative, however, is shorter and simpler for regular readers to fully understand.

Maintain Flow In Your Content

The clarity, manner of voice, intent, and other aspects of your material should all be carefully adjusted when copywriting for SEO.

Take advantage of a tool like SEO Writing Assistant from Semrush to do this.

You may paste your content into the tool to get an immediate readability rating.

The difficulty of your language is examined by the SEO Writing Assistant, who evaluates it against your top 10 organic competitors.

SEO copywriters can additionally perform the following tasks using this tool:

  • Look for statements that are hard to read and are overly lengthy.
  • Do a plagiarism check.
  • Make sure the wording focuses on particular keywords.
  • Verify that the SEO copy is consistent with the voice of your company. 

The difficulty of your language is examined by the SEO Writing Assistant, who evaluates it against your top 10 organic competitors.

SEO copywriters can additionally perform the following tasks using this tool:

  • Look for statements that are hard to read and are overly lengthy.
  • Do a plagiarism check.
  • Make sure the wording focuses on particular keywords.
  • Verify that the SEO copy is consistent with the voice of your company.

8- Use Graphics

Add graphics to your page, such as videos, images, graphs, and infographics.

The effective implementation of visual components may prolong a reader’s stay on your page and encourage social media sharing. Constantly stick to recommended practices for image SEO Practices. 

For instance

  • Give your images appropriate filenames.
  • Images should be compressed to minimise file size.
  • Add organised picture information
  • Improve the picture alt text

9- Involve CTA( Call-To-Action)

Making consumers more likely to convert (for example, purchase something or complete a form) represents one of the main goals of SEO Copywriting.

CTAs can be useful in this situation.

Keep in mind “search intent”? 

A suitable user will come to your page for a purpose. You might encourage them to navigate to a product page next in case they were seeking informational stuff. Create CTAs to indicate to visitors what they might want to look for next. Easy links, buttons, photos, and more are all acceptable.

Such as:

From an SEO Copywriting tips standpoint, this can increase the conversion rate of your material and also your content’s ROI (return on investment).

It might increase your page visits, lower your bounce rate, and promote favourable engagement signals to search engines from an SEO standpoint.

Bonus tip: You should spread CTAs all across your text because readers might not read the whole thing. To avoid making your page look spammy, just make sure you strategically include them. For instance, if you highlight a certain product, you may include a relevant CTA to encourage the reader to discover more.

10. Use a Table Of Contents

A list of contents reveals to the reader what will be found on each page. This supports fulfilling search intent. 

Ensure that every section’s header explains its topic properly. Each part is relevant without becoming overly long.

Consider your headlines the teaser for a movie.

You should explain to readers what the topic of your post is and hold them engaged all the way through.

A list of contents makes it easier for readers to determine if they have reached the right page.

Therefore, while adding headers to your table of contents, make sure to be clear and simple.

Tools for Writing, Modifying, and Performance Tracking

Final Notes On SEO Copywriting Tips

In final thoughts, TechMozo article writing for SEO copywriting offers insightful advice on how to create engaging content that appeals to both people and search engines.

If you stick to the above SEO copywriting tips and make use of the above-mentioned tools, you will be able to deliver high-quality content. 

Consider using tools like the SEO Writing Assistant while you write to make sure your content is creative, easy to read, and SEO-optimized.

The above SEO writing tips will help you extend the life of your content so it can continue to rank highly for years to come.